How can I improve my Web page speed

Research conducted by Google revealed after clicking through 900,000 ads that the average mobile post-click landing page loads in 22 seconds. This is 53 per cent more than the time that an average user waits before abandoning a page. It means if your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, the user would almost certainly leave the page without even seeing it. Hence, if you are planning to launch your own website, apart from focusing on the design of your website, you must also consider creating a fast website. 

What makes the webpage slow? 

Load time, conversion rate and the size of data are correlated. The size of the data gets heavier due to an increase in the number of elements like text images etc. When these elements increase from 400 to 6,000, the chances of converting a visitor drops by 95 per cent. Problems like excessive JavaScript and too many redirects also makes a site heavier to load. 

How to make pages load faster?

  • Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a tool that could come to your rescue if you wish to test the speed of a web page. By simply entering a URL and pressing ‘analyze’ you can easily fetch a detailed report of the reason behind the slow loading of a website and recommendations about fixing it. There are several other website load tools which can help you check out the speed of your website.

  • Optimize the mobile experience

Nowadays, 50 per cent of online traffic coming from mobile devices. This makes mobile page speed optimization a crucial factor. Hence you must make sure that your server starts transmitting the first byte of resources within 200 milliseconds of a request.       

You can also enable compression, minify CSS, JavaScript and HTML for fast processing of a webpage